Barnwood Chic

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

AJ made it to CHILE

President King, Elder Mlazgar, Elder Keogh, Sister King

AJ's first email from Chile...

so this week was crazy. i dont even know where to begin. tuesday morning when we got here, we went to the mission home for a while to rest and have a couple short meetings with president. then around 4 we went to meet our companions. my companions name is elder keogh from scotland and he has been here for 18 months. he is so cool and funny and its been awesome so far. my area is melipilla about an hour drive from santiago. its so hard to understand all the people well cuz they talk extremely fast and slur everything and have a ton of slang words for almost everything. but im catching on little by little everyday. i couldnt understand anything that they were saying that first day but now i can catch a few words in each sentence and when they talk slower i can understand a lot. we had a baptism yesterday. it was so cool to see the whole ward come out to the baptism. or just about everyone. in sacrament they presented me in front of the ward and i had to introduce myself and bear my testimony so that was nice to be put on the spot first thing. everyone is extremely nice here. every house we go into offers us something to eat or drink and you basically have to take it cuz its inpolite not to. the food is alright. the chicken and stuff is really good but they eat a lot of salad here which isnt good cuz i have to eat it so that i dont offend anyone. i think i ate a salad almost everyday this week. and the first couple times i almost threw up trying to swallow but i am getting a little more used to just forcing it down. the meals here are different too. they eat like a normal breakfast, then a huge lunch and a tiny dinner. so basically we eat breakfast and lunch and thats it cuz we arent allowed to stop and eat dinner anywhere cuz thats to much time. so we just have to get a little snack when we get back to the pension(our apartment) around 1030. we live with 2 other elders, both named elder young and they are the zone leaders. we have the best 4 that i think i could be with. one of the youngs leaves after this change and the other one has a year. saturday we went out into the plaza as a zone to do contacts and try and get people cuz there was like a huge party going on in the morning and so there were a ton of people there. the plaza is just like the town square. melipilla is actually bigger than i thought that it would be and everything here is pretty modern. but its so dirty everywhere cuz of the dirt and trash that everyone just leaves behind. but other than that i love it so far. im having fun which i think is a key to enjoying it. one other thing about the people is that they like to make jokes all the time. and so i have been asked several times why am i so serious and so then i have to explain that i want to joke with them but i dont understand half of what they are saying. so i cant wait til i can just understand everyone and have fun and laugh with everyone when they do. but it will take time. i love all you guys


Doesn't he sound great! Send him an email and let him  know.

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