most of the week was pretty normal. we didnt do a whole lot that was anything worth writing. maybe the only thing is that yesterday we had another baptismal interview for a 9 year old who is going to get baptized saturday. but after what we went through with the last one, it just doesnt seem as interesting lol but its still good that we are gonna have another baptism.
the only other thing we did different this week is that friday night we saw a little of the chile uruguay soccer game cuz there was no one to visit and so we went to a members house and they were watching the game. and from what i saw, chile played terrible. partly cuz 4 of their best players didnt play but still. they lost 4-0. if any of you really care lol
and then like 3 nights this week we got done with everything at like 930 so we went by the church and it was still open from the youth being there. and so we played ping pong against some of the youth in the ward. and i found out that i have to really work on playing ping pong cuz everyone here is really good. this one kid in the ward just destroyed me. but it was really fun. other than that, it was just same old stuff. our numbers for the week were pretty decent which means that somehow we stayed busy during the week but it really didnt feel like it. it just shows that time goes by fast when you are busy.
i hope that everyone is doing good. take care and have a good week.
Originally I included both pictures, but changed my mind and edited one out. You still get the idea without the picture on the other side of the box...what's a mom to do???
Now I really want to see the other side of the box!