Christmas Eve |
To be honest, it feels like its been forever for me since i talked to my family on the phone. we just had so much happen this week that it made time go by so slow, but also extremely fast at the same time. really the biggest news from this week is that i have changes. but we´ll get to that
WOW! Cleaned up this Christmas!! |
on tuesday we did divisions and so i went to carlos valdovinos with elder carcamo. but i didnt end up being with him the whole day really cuz we did divisions and i went with a guy who had gotten back from his mission a week earlier. his name is leo vergara and it was really awesome being with him. although the weird part was that neither of us knew much about the sector and so we kinda just walked around thinking of stuff to do and people that he knew before the mission that we could visit.and it actually turned out to be good cuz we found several houses to get in to. but i learned so much from being with him. we talked a ton and i could tell that he was a pretty good missionary just from his attitude about the work to the way he treated the people. he was always so nice to everyone and was always willing to help. but we talked a lot about what it takes to be a good missionary and to have success and what happens when missionaries do stuff they shouldnt and all that stuff. it was good for me.
A really good lesson. |
then on thursday we had a really good lesson with sergio and luis. they are amazing and understand everything so well. and we havent even taught them a lot yet. but they had a lot of questions about the book of mormon and everything about that. and they learn fast and understand everything and so it was almost fun teaching them. and i wish that i could be here to see them get baptized but it is what it is and im just excited that i got to help them and get to know them a little. and i know that they will do good and will get baptized soon.
friday we did divisions again and this time elder leavitt came to my sector. and it was such a bad day. cuz with everyone getting ready for parties the next day (and the fact that a lot of people started drinking early) we didnt get into any house til 8 at night. and it was really hot that day so need less to say, it was pretty tough. but we still made the best of out it like always and it was fun.
Sayin' ADIOS and movin' on. |
Someone's sad...sayin' goodbye.
Sayin' ADIOS and movin' on.
Looking for Fireworks...don't lean too far...sheesh! |
then saturday started the real party. cuz i already basically knew that i had changes so i started saying bye to people on saturday. and the biggest one was really ainhoa. we went to her house and talked for a long time and hung out for a while while they were getting ready for the night. but when it was time to say bye, she started crying and told me that she didnt want me to go and how she isnt going to be friends with the new elder cuz it wont be the same. and it is kinda tough leaving and not knowing whats gonna happen cuz im the one who started teaching her so ive seen her come a long way. but i know she´ll be fine. then we went back to the apartment and just waited for midnight. cuz we wanted to order pizza but every place had already closed so we just had to wait. but we went up to the top floor of our building and watched the fireworks. and it was cool cuz we could see them in like 4 different places that were shooting off. so we didnt just watch one show. and also that night we got the call telling us that i have changes for sure. although i wont know where im going or who im with til tuesday cuz thats when president announces everything. so you will all just have to wait til next week to find out where i go.
There's the fireworks...ringing in the new year in Chile. |
then the next day at church, we were dead tired cuz we had gone to bed at 130. and the bishop asked us to prepare talks just in case the other people didnt show up. and it worried me when we had less than half the attendance that we normally do. but apparently the bishop asked the right people to talk cuz all 3 showed up. and then after we were ready to sleep but we couldnt cuz we had to go say bye to more people. but it was a pretty good day in the end, although also sad at the same time knowing that i might not ever see these people ever again.
but it was a pretty good week. i hope that you all enjoyed your new years and that everyone starts the year off good. sorry i didnt include pictures but ive already passed my memory card off to a friend to put the pictures and videos on facebook for the last time. seeing as how now i wont be able to use him anymore since im being changed. so you´ll have to go to facebook to see the pictures. but i hope that everyone has a good week. take care.
In the ZONE...at the Santiago West Christmas Party. |
Alex told us it was a rough week trying to get into homes. I love the picture at the end. Thanks for sharing!