wednesday was a good day. we had hermano soto come out with us to a couple of citas that we had. he is a man that really sets an example for a lot of other people in my opinion. him and his family are a part of our home teaching assignment that we have. and everytime we are around him, elder vilar and i end up walking away saying "that man is just pure love". he is kinda sick with something but i dont know what, but it seems like everytime we are with him, he is more worried about us and how we are doing and says that it doesnt matter how he is cuz he´ll be fine. he is always smiling and is just amazing. its showed me a little of how i want to be with others also. so on sunday when we asked who was gonna come out with us this week, he was the first one to offer to come. and then when i asked what time he is available, he just said whenever we want and for as long as we need him. and thats better than just about anyone here. cuz normally people offer an hour or 2 but an entire day on bike when its hot outside, it just shows that he is willing to serve in whatever way he can. but he came with us to our new investigator veronica. she seems to be really good. she asked us a question at the beginning about how do we know that our priesthood holders really have that authority. and so it was perfect cuz it lead us straight into the restoration. and then at the end she accepted an invitation to be baptized, although a little hesitantly.
thursday morning we got a call from elder mcbride and got a surprise. he told us that the next morning elder vilar had to go into santiago the next day to do some stuff for his visa cuz the last time he did it, something went wrong and so they had to fix something. and so that night we had to be in talagante to do divisions with elder mcbride and elder west cuz elder west had to do his stuff too. so thursday night they went to maipu and i stayed with elder mcbride. but the weird part is that the next day, all of the leaders had a meeting in santiago with presdent king. so at 830 in the morning, all the leaders from the zone got together to go and so i had to switch comps again. so for half the day on friday i was with elder merino from peru. and im not gonna lie it was pretty funny walking around with him cuz he is tiny. he is a little shorter than my shoulder level. and then around 4 elder vilar got back and we went back to our sector to work. but it was weird having 3 different companions in the same day and also being in 3 different pensions.
so it was a pretty good week. the pictures that i put with this are of our pension just so that you know. its kinda small but it works for just us 2. and its not bad. i hope that everyone is doing well. take care
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