That's right AJ...ran TOWARD the gunshots! Its a miracle there aren't more incidents involving missionarires. Those guardian angels sure have their hands full!!
the other interesting things from the week now. monday, we were walking home to the pension late at night. and from about a block away from where it was happening, we heard people yelling, "they`re robbing, they`re robbing" so obviously being 20 year olds, we hurried up to see if we could see what was going on. we got to the corner of the street and as soon as we did, we heard a car screach as someone hit the gas peddle of a car. so we stood there and watched as they drove off. about 3 seconds after they had started, we heard gun shots. so we hid behind the corner, and overall we heard about 5 gun shots. it was pretty intense. so we just stayed where we were for a few minutes til things died down. and all that happened in the richer and nicer part of our sector.
wednesday we had the assistants in the district meeting and that was fun cuz ive always gotten along well with elder merchan. its weird that he is going home today though, along with about another 20 missionaries. and after the meeting i did divisions with elder martinez and had a fun day with him. he is pretty funny.
other than that though it was just a normal week. im nervous and excited for changes tomorrow but i know that it will be something good for me and that really i probably needed it to start over again and get a little more energy heading into the last few months of the mission. i hope that everyone is doing well. take care
Last week's email from 9/03/12
its never fun being sick in the mission cuz you dont have anyone to take care of you but yourself really. at least while i was in el monte i had hna aida to help me out a little. but the end of this week, being sick with a runny nose, a fever, and a sore throat just made it not great. i just hope that what im taking will work quickly and the weather will stop being so bipolar so that i can recover quickly.
on monday last week we went to visit family that the wife has been a member her whole life and the guy got baptized about a year ago. they havent gone to church in the whole time that ive been here. and from what we had heard from the ward it was just cuz she is pregnant and has a hard time getting up in the morning with that. but while we were talking to them, they told us more of the real reason why they havent been going. she admitted that a part of it is cuz of the pregnancy, but more its cuz they just dont have any friends in the ward. and so we shared about the importance of taking the sacrament but apparently they just dont understand very well cuz they didnt come again.
tuesday we taught camila and the whole lesson was just us helping her make a list of the reasons of why she knows the church is true and the things that she doubts. that way we knew what we needed to help her with more. and i think that it helped us a lot cuz in our lesson with her on thursday, we taught the restoration and i could tell that she really felt the spirit cuz i felt it too. i felt bad afterword cuz i didnt let elder alcaraz talk too much but it was a decision i made at the time cuz i felt like i had made a connection with her and that i could help her out and i think it worked out alright. cuz in our lesson on thursday, she cried a little a couple times.
also tuesday night we got into another house of a inactive family. really we were only able to share with the lady but it was good cuz she talked to us about all the problems she has been having with her mom and some other things. so we shared a little about the atonement and how it helps with everything that we need. and that through the gospel we can find the comfort that we need with everything. and we shared a little scripture about that and she said that it really helped and that she feels like now is the time when she and her family should probably come back to church. and then during the last prayer that she said, she cried a little. but it was the first time that in the mission where i have been with an inactive member and they say that they want to come back to church in the first visit and i feel like they really mean it. that was good.
thursday was kinda a hard day for us, other than the lesson with camila. cuz daniela told us that she probably wont get baptized, at least not for a long long time. cuz she said that she feels good in the church and she has made some friends there and its nice, but being involved in a church and reading scriptures and saying prayers just isnt her thing and so she doesnt want to be committed to it by getting baptized. so that kinda hurt but i dont want to give up on her just because of that so we are gonna keep working with her and see if we can get her to understand the things that she would be missing by making that choice. hopefully we can help her see that.
friday we had to go back to do something with elder alcaraz´s id card cuz when they gave it to him, they had spelled his middle name wrong. so we had to wake up early to go into the office and take care of that. i dont know how often that happens in the mission but i dont think very often from how the guy in the government building reacted when we explained the situation.
then sunday the time changed here so we got one less hour of sleep. and i dont think that helped with me being sick. and so sunday was kinda tough cuz its the day when i felt worse this whole week so we werent able to do much. today im feeling a little better than yesterday although i still just want to sleep but we have a couple of citas tonight that we have to go to so i cant just go to bed. also today we went to fly kites as a zone and it was a good day to do it cuz its pretty windy but it didnt work out to well cuz only 2 people were able to get them off the ground. but at least it was funny to watch. i hope that everyone is doing well. take care
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